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  1. King of Allapattah

    AP 2022 MBB Pre-season Top 25

    Different game from 20+ years ago. Barkley and Rodman were great but no telling how they'd matchup in college against taller players who are just as athletic, if not more. Again, I like Norchad. He's got the potential to put up the best numbers we've seen from a 4 or 5 since Larranaga has been...
  2. King of Allapattah

    AP 2022 MBB Pre-season Top 25

    Hard to gauge what this team will be after the first 2 games but biggest concern I have is how well we will fare vs teams with size. We’ve got fairly good size on the perimeter but inside worries me. I like Norchad but at 6’7” he may be limited on the boards and in the post.
  3. King of Allapattah

    AP 2022 MBB Pre-season Top 25

    I think Miami is closer to Lindy's prognostications than to the AP's. If all goes accordingly, I don't see how Miami isn't a top 15-20 team next season.