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  1. miamicanephins

    Tyle Van Dimes is not hurt

    Called out by who?
  2. miamicanephins

    Tyle Van Dimes is not hurt

    What does this even mean? You sound so douchy. I'm embarrassed for you.
  3. miamicanephins

    Tyle Van Dimes is not hurt

    Where are those guys? Receipts will be kept.
  4. miamicanephins

    Tyle Van Dimes is not hurt

    Any one that takes the CIS experts and insiders seriously is an idiot. Imagine a life where you have to try and make yourself appear important on a college football website and use the phrase " pearls before swine". Who the fvck says that any way? Execpt a dude on here...LOL
  5. miamicanephins

    Tyle Van Dimes is not hurt

    From an NFL draft analysis web site, As a decision-maker, Van Dyke’s eyes sometimes lock onto targets early, keying in defenders. He can prematurely commit to risky, contested throws. He trusts his arm too much at times, and will attempt to force dangerous passes. The Miami QB can be...
  6. miamicanephins

    Tyle Van Dimes is not hurt

    Hot routes? No Good example using VTs d
  7. miamicanephins

    Tyle Van Dimes is not hurt

    Even in a pre snap, single read system, still doesn't mean TVD has to stare the receiver down like they have a pair of DD **** on their back. I seen h.s. qbs, who weren't very good, at least look the other way before throwing. Maybe TVD should work with a real qb coach this off season.