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  1. WanderFranco

    We (fans) need to temper our expectations and be patient.

    Hold out of 130 FBS programs and probably 400 head coaches over 15 years, you came up with 19 names and you still don't think that is a short list??????
  2. WanderFranco

    We (fans) need to temper our expectations and be patient.

    Neither of those things matters to me one bit. We've failed with Miami guys and non-Miami guys. The only constant over 21 years is south Florida players. But thankfully that is changing.
  3. WanderFranco

    We (fans) need to temper our expectations and be patient.

    I don't know what he's going to do consistently. But I do know that he was good enough to win 12 games in a P5 conference. That list is very short among current coaches. But we already know that he's not good enough for us, since we expect titles.
  4. WanderFranco

    We (fans) need to temper our expectations and be patient.

    So you're not on board with a 12-win season if we lose a game to a team with, what do we call it, "lesser talent"? You'd rather keep churning through coaches until we find Saban?
  5. WanderFranco

    We (fans) need to temper our expectations and be patient.

    Good lord. If Mario is such an idiot that he can't take Miami's talent and beat MTSU, then how did he win 10 and 12 games in a different P5 conference? "Because the Pac12 sucks". Well doesn't MTSU suck? Our roster is brutal. For some reason, you people think Mario is the one coach, literally...
  6. WanderFranco

    We (fans) need to temper our expectations and be patient.

    Right, and he won those games. So it doesn't make sense that he's a bumbling idiot who can't take "south Florida talent" and even hang with MTSU.
  7. WanderFranco

    We (fans) need to temper our expectations and be patient.

    Cherry picking???? The guy won 12 GAMES in a P5 conference. Now he's a bumbling idiot who can't coach Miami's "talent" past MTSU? Yes, there is a difference in our recruiting "stars" compared to others because of the area we insist on recruiting from. Georgia is taking stud football players...
  8. WanderFranco

    We (fans) need to temper our expectations and be patient.

    Another mistake is continuing to rely on recruiting rankings. Are you saying that the guy who could win 12 games with "less talent", including a game in Columbus, somehow doesn't have what it takes with MORE talent? That's the contradiction that no one seems to be able to explain.
  9. WanderFranco

    We (fans) need to temper our expectations and be patient.

    Sure, but you don't lose a game like that because of coaching decisions. That wasn't a strategical loss. It was a mental loss.
  10. WanderFranco

    We (fans) need to temper our expectations and be patient.

    Cool. Tell the players to give a %$#$ about winning and not about playin in da league.
  11. WanderFranco

    We (fans) need to temper our expectations and be patient.

    We keep saying this like it is a forgone conclusion. But who is it on our team that you can point to and say "That guy is one of the best in the league." I mean, really? Who are the players we should be winning with on this roster?
  12. WanderFranco

    We (fans) need to temper our expectations and be patient.

    I really think this is it, and I have said it for years on the baseball board as well. It isn't a coincidence that Miami, Florida, and Florida State have all been mediocre in both sports for several years now. I'm involved in high school sports in Florida. I don't see a passion for winning among...
  13. WanderFranco

    We (fans) need to temper our expectations and be patient.

    This has been the Miami fan's problem for 20 years. You think the talent it better than it really is. Miami fans are like travel ball parents.