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  1. J

    Robby Washington Midseason HL

    They look pretty similar to me. Robby looks like he might be more elusive with his cuts. He also doesn't seem to run many routes though so in this offense might take him some time besides a reverse or a screen.
  2. J

    Robby Washington Midseason HL

    He looks solid to me wouldn't say special. Richard's was the last special WR we had.
  3. J

    Robby Washington Midseason HL

    This has been our problem for years. High expectations on mid level 4 stars. From Pope, Wiggins, Hightower, Payton, Redding, Romello, Smith and George all these dudes were hyped up to be the next big thing. Hopefully we can get better at evaluating or developing.
  4. J

    Robby Washington Midseason HL

    Yea if you go on 247 Smith comparison is Tyreek Hill. He at no point looked like that in any of his HS highlights to me atleast.