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    So How Does Mario Right The Ship

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    So How Does Mario Right The Ship

    Love this reply:LOL: thanks for your insight.. There are other Glaring issues as well should I start mentioning them all? Like it's gets done here ad nauseam? It's was just a comment fellow Cane. No need to LOOSE myself from this world. I'm doing just fine here:cool: and at the end of the day...
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    So How Does Mario Right The Ship

    P-Fizzle. You're a funny human, look at his past with the other teams he's coached. I'TS ONE OF HIS DEFICIENCIES my fellow Cane! We've him for at least 6 years.. So it remains Valid until proven otherwise. Not against Mario by any means, so no STROKE here.. I'm still alive and kicking:cool:
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    So How Does Mario Right The Ship

    Glaring deficiencies!! His in game PLAY CALLING is atrocious. But, we already knew that right? Hey, I thought he was going to be the next SABAG! I'm still hoping. I'll check back when we loose again.