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  1. flagator86

    Mario got paid too much too soon now we all realize this

    Remember this is a square peg in a round hole season. The expectations you have this season should be reserved for next year and also bank on the 2024 season to be THEE telling season
  2. flagator86

    Mario got paid too much too soon now we all realize this

    i wont say you off with that because i felt that was realistic too but knew the UNC game was always going to be a tough out. I would look for progress and seeing if the coaches hold the upperclassmen accountable by benching em for youngsters.
  3. flagator86

    Mario got paid too much too soon now we all realize this

    So my question is at this point in the season what did you think UM’s record would be? Outside of the MTSU loss, the other 2 losses aren’t “surprises”.
  4. flagator86

    Mario got paid too much too soon now we all realize this

    5 games in huh? Dont switch that energy up when the Canes win their next 3