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  1. WaterburyCane

    OT- New York City Posters

    Guys riding more recent than I have given their seal of approval on safety
  2. WaterburyCane

    OT- New York City Posters

    Interesting. Good to know. Last time I was there pre Covid it was sketchier than normal. Subways still safe. Apparently I am getting bougie in my old age 🤷🏻‍♂️
  3. WaterburyCane

    OT- New York City Posters

    Maybe I’m getting bougie in my old age but, stay off the subways brother @gogeta4 Last I checked before Covid that **** was getting like a dark version of Gotham City. Looking by the daily reports I see it’s only getting worse. Get a rental, Uber, train, helicopter…anything but the subway. I...