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  1. Rellyrell


    He’s my frat brother, & I’ve heard some bruh’s say he was stand off-ish & didn’t really embrace the brotherhood like that upon meeting him. If I remember correctly, he beat the brakes off someone at a bar or club a couple yrs ago. Dude is bitter af.
  2. Rellyrell


    Just letting u know, Pip has a short fuse & usually tries to settle things w/ violence. Smh. Good 4 u 4 standing ur ground & calling him out.
  3. Rellyrell


    I would’ve took the under on u knocking Boris out. Lol.
  4. Rellyrell


    No, no…but I did have a run in w/ him and Crooked I after the BET awards. Nothing came out of it, but the girl I was w/ had dealings w/ him back in the day I guess.
  5. Rellyrell


    We got this ideology from The Bay. Lol. L.A was known for cruising, which was low riders & tricked out cars going to down Crenshaw or rolling through East L.A if u r Latino. Sure, we had some street races, but that was typically off major streets. The Bay was the ones ghost riding, doing...
  6. Rellyrell


    I literally laughed; naw, my brother. Street take overs r when punk *** kids stop traffic, as they dangerously & irresponsibly do tricks w/ their cars, bikes, illegal streets races, etc. Crime has gone up as a result whether that’s flash mob robberies, hit & runs, shootings. Orange County just...
  7. Rellyrell


    The area is not rough, per se. The homes around here are pushing up to $1m. It’s just this particular gas station & the one up the block from it were notorious hang out spots b4 things started to gentrify. Young kids still like going to them & they attract a certain element. It had cleaned up...
  8. Rellyrell


    Fortunately, I live by a cheap gas station. It was actually on the news for being the lowest in LA County. The problem? It’s Russian Roulette w/ ur life at that joint. Always have been since I was kid; therefore I go to the one down the street which is .50/gallon more. Smh.
  9. Rellyrell


    On my way! Lol
  10. Rellyrell


    That’s cheap; it’s 20 cents/gallon higher in a lot of parts of LA County. Still not understanding y or y this gas is so expensive. It makes no sense