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  1. JgDaCane

    UK vs Ole Miss

    I’ll believe again when I see it. Too many wasted years of buying into bull****. Show me. No more kool-aid ever again.
  2. JgDaCane

    UK vs Ole Miss

    Thats real effort. Great win. Stinks we picked the wrong guy. Maybe next time.
  3. JgDaCane

    UK vs Ole Miss

    @Hurracanes reality hurts big boy
  4. JgDaCane

    UK vs Ole Miss

    Ole Miss plays harder then anyone in the country on both sides of the ball. We blew it.
  5. JgDaCane

    UK vs Ole Miss

    I’ll take 8-10 wins a year with an occasional flash in the pan season over what I’m seeing right now.
  6. JgDaCane

    UK vs Ole Miss

    Lane would have been so great here. What a moronic fanbase & admin we have.