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  1. SayWhat

    SIAP...Has Lance Roffers posted anything on Gattis?

    I should also add a QB coach is dependent on the OC, just like a CB coach is on the DC. They're a support role and if you aren't doing your job as the OC, it doesn't matter what the QB coach did. To add to that, the coordinator is always involved (at least they should be) in every facet of...
  2. SayWhat

    SIAP...Has Lance Roffers posted anything on Gattis?

    Gotta be honest El, I had zero qualms about Ponce as a QB coach here. He has experience in that role and as an OC. World beater, I don't know, but he had Chase Brice humming along. Ready to be a full time OC here, no, but he isn't any worse than Gattis IMHO. It's one year as I haven't bothered...