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  1. Rellyrell

    It was our turn-Coach 30

    Low *** pass, staring down his target. Easy read by a DL, honestly. And like I said during the game; the refs gave us mucho love. Parrish fumbled that was missed. Thad fumbled that was overturned. A baby tap roughing the passer on TVD keeping the drive going. Bro, it was a game where one team...
  2. Rellyrell

    It was our turn-Coach 30

    U would’ve thought after having one player, barely drafted at the end of the 7th round, that would’ve been a wake up call. U can’t have attrition + misses. I’ve been scrambling going back to the Golden vs. Diaz/Richt era. The players from The Golden Regime were better, but the defensive...
  3. Rellyrell

    It was our turn-Coach 30

    Bro tells nothing but facts; ITS HIS ANGLES THOUGH! Bruh be having the most condemning football angles ever. Lol. But this is y I said all these stars don’t mean chit. This was a **** poor effort. Dudes looking in the back field w/ no over the top help, getting ran by. Flagg came back to planet...
  4. Rellyrell

    It was our turn-Coach 30

  5. Rellyrell

    It was our turn-Coach 30

    Dammit; I just posted this in my thread, too! Lol