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  1. LuCane

    The Culture Part Will Take Time

    I have no idea how you could pack that many assumptions into a couple paragraphs, but I am impressed. Mario establishing the culture that HE WANTS will take time. I made no comments about ‘good’ or ‘bad.’ You clearly don’t even know what I’ve said or thought about Mario. Do you even have a clue...
  2. LuCane

    The Culture Part Will Take Time

    My belief is Gattis (and everyone) should be held to the same accountability Mario wants to instill for the players. It’s explicitly stated in the OP. While culture takes time to build, my point is clear: it should be built WHILE we maximize what we have. And, for that, it came down to Mario’s...
  3. LuCane

    The Culture Part Will Take Time

    I actually agree, in part, and have stated numerous times staying ahead on Xs and Os was an enormous factor (perhaps THE factor) in our 80s and 90s eras. It was not the case in the early 00s. I don’t believe even the very best Xs and Os will succeed without talented players buying into internal...
  4. LuCane

    The Culture Part Will Take Time

    what a wild interpretation, man. There was NO comparison of the function of how culture is built in the two scenarios. There was a comparison that instilling culture - the compilation of habits, Mindsets, etc. - takes time at all levels. Yikes.
  5. LuCane

    The Culture Part Will Take Time

    true. Closest analogy is in mergers/acquisitions.
  6. LuCane

    The Culture Part Will Take Time

    People are reacting to the word culture and seemingly not understanding that the points they're making support the original post. Probably because some people don't read the entire post, so I fear most won't read yours. I will and am appreciative of your thoughts. The OP plainly states Mario...
  7. LuCane

    The Culture Part Will Take Time

    Congratulations on your sports travels. They sound awesome. I think you've missed my "meaningless point." Multiple times now, but that's fine, too.
  8. LuCane

    The Culture Part Will Take Time

    First of all, it's not being used as an excuse (at least in this thread). Secondly, getting people into the habits you want is a real thing. And, it takes time. Lastly, it's one of Mario's presumed biggest strengths as a program builder. And, as has been said 10x already, here is how the...
  9. LuCane

    The Culture Part Will Take Time

    The thread BEGINS with: "Revisiting this topic from the offseason because of how Mario needs to weave in optimizing what he currently has WHILE transforming the program's culture (over time). Those of us rooting for losses and more destruction are completely missing the mark this time, IMO."...
  10. LuCane

    The Culture Part Will Take Time

    This is the entire point of the thread. Thank you for understanding. Ha. Unfortunately, people either can't read or control their anger. All good. I can totally understand how ****ed most people are and should be.
  11. LuCane

    The Culture Part Will Take Time

    Watch them. It's pretty much the same stuff we saw. FWIW, Jarren Williams tossed 6 TDs under him. We also saw Enos **** the bed against FIU and others. I think you're trying to oversimplify a problem that has many sides (the point of this thread).
  12. LuCane

    The Culture Part Will Take Time

    Clearly, you haven't really read the thread or understood the original post. The point has been that changing the culture should not absolve Mario. The culture part will take time. The winning part can and should have been helped by the correct hires and personnel decisions.
  13. LuCane

    The Culture Part Will Take Time

    Because it's been a problem. Believe it or not, you need both top tier coordinators and a culture of strong work ethic and competitiveness. Like is noted elsewhere, isn't it weird Dan Enos is over at Maryland averaging 7.3 yards/play (Top 8)?
  14. LuCane

    The Culture Part Will Take Time

    If you read the OP as "culture" being an excuse for Mario, you read it and the subsequent posts incorrectly. But, go ahead and fire from the hip. Like I said above, Mario deserves all of the wrath right now. IMO, he especially deserves wrath for creating a situation where offensive players...
  15. LuCane

    The Culture Part Will Take Time

    I'm with TrumpyCane on this one. I don't get some of those moves. I've said as much in multiple threads. For example, asking for all of Mallory's routes to go to Arroyo. Sure, maybe they look better in practice or maybe they're more trusted for ____ reason. But, if you're going to get smoked or...
  16. LuCane

    The Culture Part Will Take Time

    It might be. Probably not the thread for you or apparently others from the 561 area code? Here's an article about Mario talking about it, though:
  17. LuCane

    The Culture Part Will Take Time

    I mean, for the last 3+ decades, I'm there till 00:00 regardless. But, I'm also an idiot in many ways. I don't expect others to be, too. The program needs to put out a better product for its highly fair-weather market. Just a different brand of values down here. [Cheers on how well the Bills...
  18. LuCane

    The Culture Part Will Take Time

    You "hire"/"acquire" for that, FWIW. You don't "inspire" kids to do that or necessarily teach them how. We better be really good at evaluating for it. [And, no, it doesn't take football experience. But, that's another topic altogether]
  19. LuCane

    The Culture Part Will Take Time

    We need some speed at CB and we need Edge rushers. There is also some freelancing going on. Steele and his crew deserve blame for a couple things that happened on Saturday, obviously, but they didn't take guys who previously showed X (production or flashes) and minimize them. We'll see how he...
  20. LuCane

    The Culture Part Will Take Time

    It would be a lot easier if we just played all the young guns and went with that movement, but apparently the coaches feel the other guys give them a better chance to succeed and try to do both things - win and clean up culture - at the same time. Hence, the point of this thread. But, the point...