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  1. JimmyJohnsonsHair

    Quantifying the talent gap MTSU/UM/culture problem

    Losing to Bama or Georgia this year could be blamed on the roster. Losing to MTSU is on the coaches. I absolutely hate to defend Manny and feel dirty even typing this sentence but Manny + Lashlee calling the plays with this exact same roster would have beaten MTSU.
  2. JimmyJohnsonsHair

    Quantifying the talent gap MTSU/UM/culture problem

    "Changing the culture" sounds good at the intro press conference and in a Tweet but it's largely bull****. Winning breeds chemistry and a good culture. Losing breeds bad chemistry and a bad culture. Elite coaches can adapt and know how to get the most out of their players.
  3. JimmyJohnsonsHair

    Quantifying the talent gap MTSU/UM/culture problem

    Let's ask Ryan Day. Somehow he has Ohio State winning with a WR who wears Louis Vuitton cleats and an Apple Watch during games.