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    The one thing we do well

    Exactly this. With them playing cover zero where were multiple double moves on the outside. All game they were jumping routes being over aggressive and I didn't see more than one or two attempts to pump fake and go deep

    The one thing we do well

    Maybe they should start the games like they've have no choice. Then you can mix in runs off of that because you're not confined. Maybe try some 2-minute offense as it takes a lot of the processing away and let the kids just rip the football? All I know is this Midwest football offense, 14 play...

    The one thing we do well

    It seems like as soon as Jeff came in the game the offense changed from a schematic standpoint. Like they went with a little more of downfield passing game keeping more with last year's offense because maybe Jeff has not had enough reps in the new offense. Am I wrong here? I'm no coach but I'm...