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  1. Da Jumbo Mutombo

    The one thing we do well

    Bingo. Elite talent will carry you vs MTSU, sure. But it won't to the Pitts and UNC of the world, if were currently losing to MTSU talent gap.
  2. Da Jumbo Mutombo

    The one thing we do well

    Never believe the "saving the offense" claim. Yall should've known better by now.
  3. Da Jumbo Mutombo

    The one thing we do well

    Zo is more bro style than Mario.
  4. Da Jumbo Mutombo

    The one thing we do well

    The offensive scheme is the biggest issue, without a doubt. 15 play 7 minute drives aint it. It makes the margin of error in a game so low. Especially when you aren't a good redzone team. All of football knows are identity already. MTSU sold out on the run everytime and we stupidly went...