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  1. Rellyrell

    Our Culture (entire program)

    Btw, for those who think culture is this fake news word, I highly recommend u watch The documentary “The Redeem Team” on Netflix & u’ll see how a team full of NBA super stars & current/future HOFers got mopped on the b-ball court by less talented teams for 2 str8 yrs. Fascinating doc.
  2. Rellyrell

    Our Culture (entire program)

    If only we had a staff that could attract offensive talent like theirs did. Well, in fairness it’s not really hard when it’s YOUR players, & ur star QB happens to be friends w/ a star WR on another team. Did u want Mario to bring Brown w/ him to QB this team?
  3. Rellyrell

    Our Culture (entire program)

    Yeah; they got a new roster.