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  1. Hurracanes

    6 play 4 minute drive, down 8 with 7 minutes left

    That Defense isn’t overhyped. They are loaded. Their offense struggling is going to wear and tear them down.
  2. Hurracanes

    6 play 4 minute drive, down 8 with 7 minutes left

    In 2 years, a lot of these issues will be improved or non existent once we upgrade our talent level in several positions. Outside of the results, I am actually happy with a lot of what I saw, last night,
  3. Hurracanes

    6 play 4 minute drive, down 8 with 7 minutes left

    That’s not how football works but carry on with that lazy and stupid narrative. App state loses that game 9/10 times.
  4. Hurracanes

    6 play 4 minute drive, down 8 with 7 minutes left

    People do not want to accept that A&M simply has a more talented team than us, especially on Defense. Last year, this game gets ugly.