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  1. JD4

    i miss lashlees offense

    I think am not being a hater when I say I think Garcia might be better in this scheme. I think if we simplify things more and do more RPO with quicker reads like last year TVD will find his footing again. He started slow in games last year but was able to ease into things. I'm not sure he's...
  2. JD4

    i miss lashlees offense

    Like this one here could be a TD to Arroyo if you let him make a play on the ball, or a pass to the Key in the middle left of the field, but the window is small to arroyo and it almost ends up being picked because it is under thrown and the safety makes a good play on the ball. I do feel like...
  3. JD4

    i miss lashlees offense

    Yeah. I've rewatched the balls he could've hit for homeruns, but to be honest and fair to him (even though he missed and didn't put a lot of zip on some other throws he hit, there is a short window for him to make the read and place the ball where it needs to go. A lot of these routes require...
  4. JD4

    i miss lashlees offense

    Here is the screen you're talking about where both WR blow their blocks Rewatching the offense I think part of why they have redding in so much is he at least blocks and they're rewarding him for it. Idk maybe he is doing more in practice besides that but I think that is definitely part of it
  5. JD4

    i miss lashlees offense

    Yep if Frankie and I forget who the other guy was on the screen play make their blocks thats a nice play instead of a loss on the WR screen. This is the pass I'm talking about to Parrish where he torched the LB who is struggling to keep up with him but he has to slow down due to ball being...
  6. JD4

    i miss lashlees offense

    We took 4 deep shots last night that were easily TDs if thrown on the money. Two to Key and two to Arroyo. Even the pass to Parrish on the right sideline that the linebacker broke up was a TD if the pass was thrown where HP didn't have to slow down for it