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  1. BeastMode

    (Offcial) Noles vs Cards

    Corch Norvell going 6-6 in year 3 🤣🤣 what an incredible program he is building.
  2. BeastMode

    (Offcial) Noles vs Cards

    100% agree. I basically posted the same thing didn’t see your post but spot on. It’s going to get ugly for them after BC
  3. BeastMode

    (Offcial) Noles vs Cards

    I see the noles won the cripple fight. Satterfield is toast. FSU is doomed without Travis so that injury is key for them. They may lose 3 or more games straight once they reach that wake game. Funny thing is they likely still beat a sorry *** BC squad and will get to 4-0 but it’s a house of...
  4. BeastMode

    (Offcial) Noles vs Cards

  5. BeastMode

    (Offcial) Noles vs Cards

    I’m tired and want to sleep but I can’t turn this trash off. I’ve made it this far but this last 13 minute is going to be full of stupid
  6. BeastMode

    (Offcial) Noles vs Cards

    This is such bad football I can’t get over how bad these teams are. It’s like I’m watching a Wednesday night MAC Action football game in November when nothing else is on
  7. BeastMode

    (Offcial) Noles vs Cards

    Nah he doesn’t run enough. Mario isnt going to hire him
  8. BeastMode

    (Offcial) Noles vs Cards

    Disagree. Week 1 was incredible. To each their own though
  9. BeastMode

    (Offcial) Noles vs Cards

    That’s why nfl is far and beyond such a superior and amazing product on the field . I love colleg football and all the school spirit craziness it brings each weekend but nfl is king
  10. BeastMode

    (Offcial) Noles vs Cards

    You watching Miami game tape again?
  11. BeastMode

    (Offcial) Noles vs Cards

    Satterfield should be fired by Monday if that happens
  12. BeastMode

    (Offcial) Noles vs Cards

    Corch Norvell is such a corch but satterfiled isn’t far behind him. We are watching. Two cripples go at it tonight
  13. BeastMode

    (Offcial) Noles vs Cards

    FSU o-line is holding every play. Also I want to say again Louisville sucks so bad
  14. BeastMode

    (Offcial) Noles vs Cards

    Bad part is Louisville sucks so bad they can’t even take advantage of this. This should be a blow out
  15. BeastMode

    (Offcial) Noles vs Cards

    This the QB and offense Hykeem wants to go play for!?!? 🤣🤣🤣
  16. BeastMode

    (Offcial) Noles vs Cards

    I mean where was he throwing that?
  17. BeastMode

    (Offcial) Noles vs Cards

    This QB is seeing ghost already
  18. BeastMode

    (Offcial) Noles vs Cards

    FSU is doomed without Travis. Might go 2-10 if Travis is out long term.
  19. BeastMode

    (Offcial) Noles vs Cards

    Hyper extended 3-4 weeks he will be back
  20. BeastMode

    (Offcial) Noles vs Cards

    FSU hype train is going to be rolling in the media after they beat this **** Louisville team