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  1. N

    Texas A&M is not a must win

    This is NOT 20-30 years ago. National perception means quite a bit. So Notre Dame has a national perception whether good or bad. Are you telling me that's meaningless? LOL
  2. N

    Texas A&M is not a must win

    Totally agree with hoop156. You paid a ton of money for Mario and TAMU just lost to a team they were heavily favored to beat. What kind of juice are you guys drinking? The best league is the SEC and if we win it shows we belong. If we lose it's the same story for the past 16-18 years. Oh yeah...
  3. N

    Texas A&M is not a must win

    All I can say is reading some posts here it is certain that some of you have never ever experienced watching a kick *** Miami team in person. This game is way more than an important game but a must win. Having the X man out could work in our advantage if certain players step up and the team...
  4. N

    Texas A&M is not a must win

    That is what I'm saying SUPACANE. You must win your games and you're saying two different things. Forget it, I'm not going to disagree further. Been a Canes fan for 40 years and a season ticket holder for 35. We lose here and it's a terrible loss in the eyes of coaches, players, recruits, and...
  5. N

    Texas A&M is not a must win

    Totally disagree with you 10000000000000000000000000%. We have basically been irrelevant to the rest of the country since 2003. Last big game we won on the road was many years ago. THIS IS A MUST GAME and there is no way of spinning this unless you feel MEDIOCRITY is what UM stands for.