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  1. CanesLifer2

    Early thoughts on Gattis?

    I absolutely agree that the pace is too slow, it needs to be sped up some for sure. Running the ball and establishing the ground game is important. It has to stay a threat to keep the defense honest and to keep mismatches on the field (I.E a LB instead of a dime back) as I said there’s a happy...
  2. CanesLifer2

    Early thoughts on Gattis?

    Okay… a handful of elite teams (you can only name 3-4 that fit that category) We’re not OSU, Bama or UGA yet. I’m not opposed to a high flying offense, or course it’s fun, I’m a rams fan in the nfl so I see it all the time. I also see the downside as to when it puts your defense in really bad...
  3. CanesLifer2

    Early thoughts on Gattis?

    It’s not only about having a stout defense. The longer your offense is on the field, the less time theirs is. Positive Turnover ratio and time of possession wins games. There’s a reason why all these offensive explosive teams have crap defenses
  4. CanesLifer2

    Early thoughts on Gattis?

    Yes… ranking well in the bottom half of the country.
  5. CanesLifer2

    Early thoughts on Gattis?

    Very underrated post. How many times did lashlee go 3& out last year just to gas the defense by the 3rd quarter?
  6. CanesLifer2

    Early thoughts on Gattis?

    There’s a whole lot of receipts of people complaining about Lashlee after his first month or two… give it time. Gattis will be fine.