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  1. Atom Atlas

    Early thoughts on Gattis?

    They aren't???... ....This site lies to me.... :rbqv9fedzzonaf.jpg:
  2. Atom Atlas

    Early thoughts on Gattis?

    I actually had a vote... It's up top.. I picked option #2..... :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
  3. Atom Atlas

    Early thoughts on Gattis?

    Whatever happened the past two weeks and whatever anyone's thoughts on it are doesn't matter anymore.... Things have to open up this week... It has to... If we really want to win this both offense and defense have to kick it into overdrive pronto... Soft Football will not win...
  4. Atom Atlas

    Early thoughts on Gattis?

    Ours is 2 games old... It's not purgatory...Ups and downs are par for the course... everything is new right now.... Players are still learning everything ...