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  1. FuriousStyles

    Mario Recruiting Columbus Vs Manny Diaz

    I agree with what you’re saying 100%. I had a very effective Chief Operating Officer who definitely had some aspects of social anxiety but still did very well in all aspects of their job. I one just didn’t see that in him and I don’t see the ability to mask that regularly coaching at a school...
  2. FuriousStyles

    Mario Recruiting Columbus Vs Manny Diaz

    One could absolutely be a player… specifically any position other than QB and it not affect their role in a meaningful way. But not one who has been a DC at multiple P5 programs and a HC at the most basass P5 school being the CEO so to speak and lead a bunch of Type A men from the players and...
  3. FuriousStyles

    Mario Recruiting Columbus Vs Manny Diaz

    Ha! Social anxiety… he chose this profession with all it entails, he has social anxiety? Might be funniest thing I’ve seen on here in a minute.
  4. FuriousStyles

    Mario Recruiting Columbus Vs Manny Diaz

    That 2013 offseason… can anyone clarify, Mario was briefly on staff here under Golden (or agreed to be) but as we know ended up at Bama. What was said is that he bounced because he and Golden got into because of a dust up Mario had with another coach at a local high school…? Is that bullsh*t and...