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  1. GoldBug305

    The stadium heat (and a PSA)

    There’s nothing in zinc based sunscreen that has any negative health effect show me the ingredients,
  2. GoldBug305

    The stadium heat (and a PSA)

    i pray you never put that toxic **** on your skin
  3. GoldBug305

    The stadium heat (and a PSA)

    no, you don't need any sunscreen, ever, on your skin. tell me why skin cancer rates have gone up ever since people started using sun screen 50 years ago. it doesn't take a genious. the sun = good for you. doctors and healthcare do not want you getting sun for a simple reason. ill let...
  4. GoldBug305

    The stadium heat (and a PSA)

    your GF is being brainfed wrong information. humans have been on earth for hundreds of thousaunds of years (w/e you beleive), and now all of a suden you need sunscreen to be in the sun LOL. just like you vaxxcells got 4 shots and a booster or else you'll die of covid.
  5. GoldBug305

    The stadium heat (and a PSA)

    experts said wear masks and social distance, and they were wrong.
  6. GoldBug305

    The stadium heat (and a PSA)

    imagine thinking the sun causes cancer LMAO
  7. GoldBug305

    The stadium heat (and a PSA)

    sunscreen is a fckin scam....never put on that toxic **** on your skin.,