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  1. BeastMode

    FSU vs LSU tonight

    Boutte about to quit the team. Rough start for Kelly.
  2. BeastMode

    FSU vs LSU tonight

    Norvell wouldn’t have survived the season if he blew that game with his terrible coaching. What a lucky *******
  3. BeastMode

    FSU vs LSU tonight

    Haha well **** I was thinking it was Friday which would have been nuts. NeverMind they probably beat Louisville then.
  4. BeastMode

    FSU vs LSU tonight

    Did Norvell cry? Louisville should stomp them friday. No way they can get back up in 5 days on the road for Louisville can they?
  5. BeastMode

    FSU vs LSU tonight

    Kelly blew it you have to go for the win. You were lucky to even be in that spot. What a loser soft shoulder ***** he is
  6. BeastMode

    FSU vs LSU tonight

    2 terrible teams with two corchs what a circus that was
  7. BeastMode

    FSU vs LSU tonight

    That’s why you go for 2
  8. BeastMode

    FSU vs LSU tonight

    Why not go for the win
  9. BeastMode

    FSU vs LSU tonight

    He should go for 2 ****
  10. BeastMode

    FSU vs LSU tonight

    This is fun
  11. BeastMode

    FSU vs LSU tonight

    The coaching is so bad in Tis game. How do they not help on verse? The only guy doing anything for FSU. Is Mandy Diaz coaching these teams?
  12. BeastMode

    FSU vs LSU tonight

    He called a toss hah wtf he is so dumb and this is how they blew so many games last year.
  13. BeastMode

    FSU vs LSU tonight

    Corch Norvell is so bad of a coach.
  14. BeastMode

    FSU vs LSU tonight

    Special teams wins and loses games
  15. BeastMode

    FSU vs LSU tonight

  16. BeastMode

    FSU vs LSU tonight

    Corch Norvell and his undisciplined team let LSU get rolling. Dudes team always plays so dumb and getting penalties
  17. BeastMode

    FSU vs LSU tonight

    FSU is catching all the breaks this game. This 4th and goal is the game
  18. BeastMode

    FSU vs LSU tonight

    Yup. That was a a dime by travis. He looks really comfortable in this offense now. Key for him and fsu is him staying healthy. Travis takes a ton of hits cause he runs so much. Let’s see how he is playing come late October/November
  19. BeastMode

    FSU vs LSU tonight

    LSU is getting ran out of the building haha couldn’t happen to a ****tier head human. I hope Bk fails miserably at L$U. ***** F$U anyways
  20. BeastMode

    FSU vs LSU tonight

    Travis makes plays. He did it in a lot of games last year. Will be interesting to see if they beat Louiserville Friday night on 4 days rest and game 3 in a little over two weeks. If Louiserville loses to them they may fire their coach before the end of the season