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  1. Atom Atlas

    Steele's defense and some...

    Sooooo you're saying Ivey will make Gore Jr look like a Heisman candidate???... .🤣🤣🤣... LOL!!!
  2. Atom Atlas

    Steele's defense and some...

    Correct.... Flagg had 4 tackles... 4... 2 solo.... A starting MLB at UM had 4 tackles against a FCS opponent and this deserves praise???.. Sorry ..but no... By chance has he touched the QB he had dead to rights on the failed blitz yet???...
  3. Atom Atlas

    Steele's defense and some...

    One game against a FCS school we put 70 on and this is what you come up with....
  4. Atom Atlas

    Steele's defense and some...

    We actually did blitz a few times and one was beyond embarrassing.... Flagg up the middle untouched in a full sprint with the QB standing still.. QB takes one step and is gone , never to be touched by Flagg... Just ran away from him from a dead stop.... That was horrifying to watch.... Flagg is...