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  1. D

    Utah vs Florida

    Hey, let’s not forget the slip n slide move. That’s as SoFla culture as you can get.
  2. D

    Utah vs Florida

    👆👆👆 Let’s keep telling ourselves that. 🤣
  3. D

    Utah vs Florida

    Shannon and Diaz fit the culture. But yeah, Whittingham would never be successful at Miami. ::roll eyes
  4. D

    Utah vs Florida

  5. D

    Utah vs Florida

    I don’t disagree with the part about UF looking horrible. No doubt about that.
  6. D

    Utah vs Florida

    Probably not if one of them is Ellis and the other is Elliss.
  7. D

    Utah vs Florida

    Again, a coRch job with 8 starters out including his star QB. For real? Imagine if Miami would’ve snagged Whittingham back in 2011 instead of Al Golden…
  8. D

    Utah vs Florida

    Corched his way to a win while missing 8 starters including his star QB. Right.
  9. D

    Utah vs Florida

    Ball Game
  10. D

    Utah vs Florida

    “And he bangs it through from 55!!!” Great call, Fowler. LOL.
  11. D

    Utah vs Florida

    That’s what happens when you’re using two backup QBs. Probably would be pretty ugly if Rising played.
  12. D

    Utah vs Florida

    Right. And next you’re gonna tell me he can pilot an F14, can fake an Irish accent, and is a phenomenal sports agent.
  13. D

    Utah vs Florida

    Was Trickle a consensus 5-star? Why didn’t Mario land him?
  14. D

    Utah vs Florida

    That Croc defense isn’t scaring anyone.
  15. D

    Utah vs Florida

    In all fairness, though, his team did get robbed of a TD earlier that would’ve made a huge difference.
  16. D

    Utah vs Florida

    ^yup. We’ve been saying it all thread. And I think Whittingham is a great coach. But he totally blew it with those dumb decisions tonight.
  17. D

    Utah vs Florida

    No replay?????!!!!!
  18. D

    Utah vs Florida

    Just imagine if the Utah DBs could catch…
  19. D

    Utah vs Florida

    Whittingham is a good coach. But you don’t chase points like that in the 3rd quarter on the road. Go up by 6 and play D.
  20. D

    Utah vs Florida

    Dumb decision to go for 2