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  1. KANE

    Utah vs Florida

    Noooo... I personally think Billy is doing a great job. Now.... off to "Gator Tears".
  2. KANE

    Utah vs Florida

    They finna be hit wit the "We Suck" tax. Can't see them holding on to that ranking.
  3. KANE

    Utah vs Florida

    All night!
  4. KANE

    Utah vs Florida

    UiF don fucced around and got a small chance to pull this game out….. then I remembered their QB and Head Coach combination… now I’m like
  5. KANE

    Utah vs Florida

    Utah got an excuse. They best 3 players are out.
  6. KANE

    Utah vs Florida

    Gators gonna get *** gaped by their SEC foes.
  7. KANE

    Utah vs Florida

    Kid from Utah can punt the **** outta a football.
  8. KANE

    Utah vs Florida

    Yes, they had the box stacked.
  9. KANE

    Utah vs Florida

  10. KANE

    Utah vs Florida

    Oh ok. Cause all I saw was “First play, over the top…. TD!” Thanks I thought Billy Boy had fucced the coin toss up, too. 😂🤣😂
  11. KANE

    Utah vs Florida

    Great job, Pearsall.
  12. KANE

    Utah vs Florida

    Did Utah get the ball to start both halves?
  13. KANE

    Utah vs Florida

  14. KANE

    Utah vs Florida

    Probably felt that there were no other options, 🤣😂🤣
  15. KANE

    Utah vs Florida
