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  1. D

    Pitt vs WVU Tonight

    You must have a slick VCR. Wish I could learn to program mine to record games like that.
  2. D

    Pitt vs WVU Tonight

    Agree that Pitt is very average. But come on, man. JT isn’t at UGA anymore. You can ease up. Lol. He was putting the ball on the money but his WRs pulled a Dee Wiggins/Mark Pope on him all night.
  3. D

    Pitt vs WVU Tonight

    Great one to open the season with. WVU snatched defeat from the jaws of victory, though.
  4. D

    Pitt vs WVU Tonight

    JT Daniel’s got ripped off by his own WR. Also, his Head Coach took the ball out of his hands on that 4th and inches. JT can’t be too happy right now.
  5. D

    Pitt vs WVU Tonight

    They let the Pitt TE use the ground to make a catch earlier, but they call this a no catch.
  6. D

    Pitt vs WVU Tonight

    Should be a catch if the refs are consistent. But they usually aren’t…