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  1. Macca

    Pitt vs WVU Tonight

    And we took and “L” to FIU recently. But that’s what Bryant does. Fantastic work. Just fantastic work. Killing Myself laughing.
  2. Macca

    Pitt vs WVU Tonight

    And he is barking at the refs after the game. Buddy, pick up the half yard in 4th down and put the game away. Your back is massive and ran for 800 yards tonight.
  3. Macca

    Pitt vs WVU Tonight

    Time to go over to Manuelball
  4. Macca

    Pitt vs WVU Tonight

    @Rellyrell can help you on this one.
  5. Macca

    Pitt vs WVU Tonight

    I mean, that’s what Bryant does. Sorry, couldn’t resist.
  6. Macca

    Pitt vs WVU Tonight

    Seriously, do these guys get ***** canned in the booth?
  7. Macca

    Pitt vs WVU Tonight

    Was that the Carlos Jones?
  8. Macca

    Pitt vs WVU Tonight

    100%. But they do have an academic index for athletes and aid packages. Point being, if my dude was a wizard and a decent lax player and they needed him to up the index to get a stud in…. I would advise my son that it may be a good idea to play on the scout team for the degree. I am with you...
  9. Macca

    Pitt vs WVU Tonight

    Sarah Sponcil’s Mexican cousin…. Good lawd.
  10. Macca

    Pitt vs WVU Tonight

    Lax is growing my man. The mid Atlantic schools are great but all the Ivy’s are excellent, big ten schools, ND, Cuse, they are popping up everywhere. The scholarship thing is true but if my Kid was a player and could go to Yale because he was a good lax player. Sign me up. Hockey had 20...
  11. Macca

    Pitt vs WVU Tonight

    Yeah, 0 can play This is a good tilt. Lot of anger out there, great crowd. Good stuff.
  12. Macca

    Pitt vs WVU Tonight

    I need the Cali schools (the LA ones) to get mens lax going. You and I would be going to games to watch my dude. Obviously kidding but I would be pumped and jacked Pete Carrol style if my son went to UCLA or USC to play lax. Those west cost schools need lacrosse and hockey pronto.
  13. Macca

    Pitt vs WVU Tonight

    Lot of lax programs floating around up here with solid business schools kid. Football is not the calling card in these parts.
  14. Macca

    Pitt vs WVU Tonight

    Bryant is located in Smithfield, RI. Good business school. Solid lacrosse program. Bryant hired Mike Pressler to revamp the lax squad years back. Pressler was the coach at Duke during the ‘Fantastic Lies’ time frame.
  15. Macca

    Pitt vs WVU Tonight

    Former Cane TE no less.
  16. Macca

    Pitt vs WVU Tonight

    Tiquan Underwood sighting. Last time I heard his name Billy O’Brien was about to fight terrific on the sidelines sticking up for Tiquan.