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  1. DTP

    Official Fall PractiSe #9 Monday Aug 15

    But if the drop ratio is the same, what difference is there? Isn’t it probably better for the offense overall if a guy with a high drop percentage gets fewer targets? I’m more worried about our guys’ ability to get open. If you can consistently beat coverage, occasional drops aren’t the end of...
  2. DTP

    Official Fall PractiSe #9 Monday Aug 15

    Don’t tell anybody but Rambo actually dropped quite a few passes for us last year. He just caught so many, we didn’t care as much.
  3. DTP

    Official Fall PractiSe #9 Monday Aug 15

    At this time last year, we were 100% relying on Harley (who had drop issues for years) and a transfer from Oklahoma who lost his job to a freshman. I think they’ll make this offense work