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  1. SWFLHurricane

    Off-Topic Python Challenge

    I have an incredible Indian Artifact site in Polk County near the Green Swamp...that is COVERED with Brazilian Pepper. I'm talking a vast area. And to start excavating, you must first tunnel through the intertwining branches till you literally drop dead from exhaustion...Lol....In the long run...
  2. SWFLHurricane

    Off-Topic Python Challenge

    Kudzu envelopes entire trees basically suffocating them from getting Any sunlight and eventually killing the tree. Yrs ago they released a certain type of Beetle, that feasts on the invasive plant. Although it works somewhat, the species growth overrides the Beetles well doing.
  3. SWFLHurricane

    Off-Topic Python Challenge

    Brazilian Pepper has nothing on Kudzu (Air Potato)