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  1. P-Tizzle

    2023 Samson Okunlola 2.0 - Commits to UM12/15

    that's absurd.
  2. P-Tizzle

    2023 Samson Okunlola 2.0 - Commits to UM12/15

    mocking the entire recruiting process, no one in particular. Just trying to bring some Christmas cheer. The people on this board are not our enemies.
  3. P-Tizzle

    2023 Samson Okunlola 2.0 - Commits to UM12/15

    Just got off the phone with a coach who used to coach in south Dade in the 60s. He said concerning Samson, "He will choose Mi....." and then he died. Massive heart attack. So, I'm increasing my confidence score to a 10 for Mi. #watchthefinish
  4. P-Tizzle

    2023 Samson Okunlola 2.0 - Commits to UM12/15

    Thank you. I roll with it though. People doubting me and second guessing me is part of the job, man. But I appreciate your thoughts and kind words. And because of that, here's another "insider" nugget I'll drop for you. Arch isn't completely committed to Sark and UT. He's always had an...
  5. P-Tizzle

    2023 Samson Okunlola 2.0 - Commits to UM12/15

    sometimes I go by the nickname pancakes.
  6. P-Tizzle

    2023 Samson Okunlola 2.0 - Commits to UM12/15

    Mario flipped him. Try searching for flacane86
  7. P-Tizzle

    2023 Samson Okunlola 2.0 - Commits to UM12/15

    What if Cribby is the one taking the actual picture for all the in-home visits Mario is doing and we've missed this all along?
  8. P-Tizzle

    2023 Samson Okunlola 2.0 - Commits to UM12/15

    Oh I'm sorry. Then replace Samson with Fletcher and it's still true.
  9. P-Tizzle

    2023 Samson Okunlola 2.0 - Commits to UM12/15

    I'm having a hard time believing that Samson will have a better opportunity to make money in Gainesville over Miami.
  10. P-Tizzle

    2023 Samson Okunlola 2.0 - Commits to UM12/15

    All the time. I have two pitbulls and when they want to act like hoes, I make them watch the Vick 30 for 30. "See, that could have been ya'll. Living here aint so bad, is it"?
  11. P-Tizzle

    2023 Samson Okunlola 2.0 - Commits to UM12/15

    Who? Steve Harvey?
  12. P-Tizzle

    2023 Samson Okunlola 2.0 - Commits to UM12/15

    The ASPA is minus the cats.
  13. P-Tizzle

    2023 Samson Okunlola 2.0 - Commits to UM12/15

    First off, yes. And secondly, those commercials are brutal. If they don't at least tug at your heart, you question your humanity.
  14. P-Tizzle

    2023 Samson Okunlola 2.0 - Commits to UM12/15

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