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  1. Dwinstitles

    Shannon and Skip, Shannon keeping it 100

    Once the portal drops super studs Kirby and Saban believe in they will get those type of kids. They not just going to fill the roster with roster fillers they gather talent. That's all they do, talent they believe to be talent.
  2. Dwinstitles

    Shannon and Skip, Shannon keeping it 100

    Anybody that thinks those coaches care about every player yall wylin. They care about winning and making that bank bruh, not all coaches but the snakes and the kids know who the snakes are I dont gotta say it. And its usually the ones complaining
  3. Dwinstitles

    Shannon and Skip, Shannon keeping it 100

    Players can get money from the SEC only when it's under the table. Other schools had salary caps called NCAA police that those cops ain't there and there is no cap they scared cause the big cities talk. They should go back to the stone age where they belong. They complaining cause...
  4. Dwinstitles

    Shannon and Skip, Shannon keeping it 100

    I keep telling people for all these years these guys are recruiters and out talent teams. Sure they know the game but when **** evens out they will be fuqed. It's why they are complaining they are crying cause they know they are screwed on the trail. It's not about the kids they are...
  5. Dwinstitles

    Shannon and Skip, Shannon keeping it 100

    Most ceos get overpaid while everyone gets **** pay. I mean they earned it just like these kids.
  6. Dwinstitles

    Shannon and Skip, Shannon keeping it 100

    Truth right here and they all know it. SS was a recruit he knows the dirt he has mentioned it before on air
  7. Dwinstitles

    Shannon and Skip, Shannon keeping it 100

    Facts people want to watch the highest level no matter gender race or anything. The highest level in their respective fields get paid the most point blank period. U can't hate on someone who has natural gifts at what they do. They should get paid period
  8. Dwinstitles

    Shannon and Skip, Shannon keeping it 100

    Facts The same Miami fans that want a cap will Bytch about us not being good. And the reason would be that salary cap bs that would keep us with cuffs on.
  9. Dwinstitles

    Shannon and Skip, Shannon keeping it 100

    Can't wait till three years down the road and the "he's old" excuse and can't coach anymore. Wait till the rosters start balancing out and everyone put an excuse that he has to retire the games passed him by or some bs excuse they will come up with.
  10. Dwinstitles

    Shannon and Skip, Shannon keeping it 100

    They should get paid period the school makes money from them. They are on TV I mean it's a free country. The corrupt NCAA can't protect the blue bloods no more.
  11. Dwinstitles

    Shannon and Skip, Shannon keeping it 100

    I remember one of our coaches on Richts staff saying they were cheating. I mean he didn't mention his name as well but he said they couldn't compete.
  12. Dwinstitles

    Shannon and Skip, Shannon keeping it 100

    and thats what this is really about, this is why these coaches are complaining they see the rise. Even Paul Finebaum knows that this train is real with Mario.
  13. Dwinstitles

    Shannon and Skip, Shannon keeping it 100

    They needed proof I would assume to make those claims on TV, they all knew and some of them mentioned it before I believe. They just couldnt ride with it I'm assuming
  14. Dwinstitles

    Shannon and Skip, Shannon keeping it 100

    100% he kept it real and what we all know, im sure its worse than cars though. They do alot more **** than that over the years
  15. Dwinstitles

    Shannon and Skip, Shannon keeping it 100

    Saban and Kirby just need to tell the truth and say Miami is recruiting well again and it isnt fare we have to actually coach in a few years when the rosters balance out