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  1. H

    Off-Topic Army cutting its size

    In 1957, the Governor of Arkansas called up the Arkansas National Guard to stop 9 black students from entering Little Rock Central HS. Eisenhower trumped that move by sending in 1000 soldiers from the 101st Airborne to get the Guard to stand aside. Needless to say, integration of the school...
  2. H

    Off-Topic Army cutting its size

    This discussion is a hoot because of who envisioned and carried out Project Warp Speed? Who fast-tracked the vaccine availability? Mr. Donald J. Trump (who deserves all credit for doing so). Ironic that his own constituency stabbed him in the back on his public health triumph.
  3. H

    Off-Topic Army cutting its size

    You served, right? Did you ever hear any debate about legality, morality when a superior gave an order? I can see it now. "Men, we're gonna attack that village!" Men then question the morality of that order as there are women and children likely in peril. You know those debates are done at...
  4. H

    Off-Topic Army cutting its size

    And again, if you can't take orders, you don't belong in our military.
  5. H

    Off-Topic Army cutting its size

    How many actually left solely due to vax requirement? Probably could count 'em on one hand. Military service is all about following orders. On the battlefield and elsewhere in your military life. If a soldier is going to refuse to follow orders, they should not be serving. Simple as that.
  6. H

    Off-Topic Army cutting its size

    The newish Top Gun movie has helped USAF recruiting (even though it's about Navy fliers).
  7. H

    Off-Topic Army cutting its size

    Here's a couple major reasons for Army recruiting problems: - Fewer people in the USA are familiar with the military at all. Many do not know anyone who ever served. - Only about 25% of young adults are physically, mentally and morally qualified to serve without receiving some type of waiver...
  8. H

    Off-Topic Army cutting its size

    My first shot was J&J, and I was darn glad to get it.
  9. H

    Off-Topic Army cutting its size

    I could almost feel sorry for him, having to pander to his intellectual inferiors comprising most of his rally crowd. The under-educated who believe science is a dirty word, and something to be ridiculed.
  10. H

    Off-Topic Army cutting its size

    Are u saying Trump's fast-tracked vaccine doesn't work? Would u tell Donald that to his face?
  11. H

    Off-Topic Army cutting its size

    So ... let me get this straight, are you saying the goal was to purge right-wingers from the Army? I worked very closely with military officers/enlisted over decades and would estimate 90% of those I knew were right-wing in their politics. Rare to find the odd Liberal member.
  12. H

    Off-Topic Army cutting its size

    And, it shoulda been mandatory. With military members, our first line of defense, getting the vax first. Soldiers in WW2 rec'd all sorts of "experimental" vaxes so they could fight in **** holes like Guadalcanal. Do you think those soldiers refused to take the vaccines? Or, what woulda happened...
  13. H

    Off-Topic Army cutting its size

    Soldiers refusing an order (to get vax'ed) was/is not what you want when the military is all about accepting and executing orders from above. Soldiers don't get to choose which orders they will accept or reject. Doesn't work that way.