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  1. TheOriginalCane

    Random off-season question regarding the 87 fiesta bowl vs Penn State

    God**** gravel...cost us a 'ship...
  2. TheOriginalCane

    Random off-season question regarding the 87 fiesta bowl vs Penn State

    Exactly. You know what I'm talking about. That was when ****inson Drive went all the way from Ponce de Leon Boulevard over to Merrick Street by Eaton. The football players had to drive down ****inson, get onto Ponce, and then find parking on San Amaro. Vinny wrecked his scooter near the...
  3. TheOriginalCane

    Random off-season question regarding the 87 fiesta bowl vs Penn State

    It was common for the players to ride scooters from their apartments (across from Eaton) to Hecht/Greentree. We only recently built the bridge over the canal that links the (former) apartment area to Hecht/Greentree. In the old days, the players had to take the long way around (by vehicle) or...
  4. TheOriginalCane

    Random off-season question regarding the 87 fiesta bowl vs Penn State

    It's a spot foul, you idiot. The penalty is marked from the SPOT OF THE FOUL, not the line of scrimmage. It's like holding. The fact that you don't know that tells me everything I need to know about your ignorant porsts.
  5. TheOriginalCane

    Random off-season question regarding the 87 fiesta bowl vs Penn State

    Again, you are being ridiculous here. First, while the play STARTED just within the 6 yard line, the contact took place at the 13 yard line. If we take your assertion that there was a "clear facemask", which is a spot foul, then the ball would have been placed at the 6.5 yard line, which was...
  6. TheOriginalCane

    Random off-season question regarding the 87 fiesta bowl vs Penn State

    Huh? First and goal from the 9.5 yard line; obvious pass play, the RB immediately moves up to block: 2nd and goal from the 6 yard line: Sack: Timeout #2: 3rd and goal from the 13, obvious passing play: Fourth and goal from the 13, obvious passing down: None of those...
  7. TheOriginalCane

    Random off-season question regarding the 87 fiesta bowl vs Penn State

    This. 1,000 times over, this. People act like human shortcomings in pressure situations must inevitably be explained by a gambling problem. Again, for all the "Vinny threw the game" nimrods or "Vinny changed all the running plays" bros, go back and re-watch the last couple of drives...
  8. TheOriginalCane

    Random off-season question regarding the 87 fiesta bowl vs Penn State

    Shut the fvck up, you ignorant clown. We didn't wear "military uniforms". Some guys wore camo. Very common at the time. And, no, we didn't "make a$$es of ourselves by not attending a joint-PSU/Miami dinner". Our guys walked out when the Ped State players made racist jokes during the "skit"...
  9. TheOriginalCane

    Random off-season question regarding the 87 fiesta bowl vs Penn State

    OK, we need to dispel some myths. 1. We did NOT hand off to a running back except ONE TIME in the final TWO possessions at the end of the game. 2. There were NO AUDIBLES. Watch the god**** tape. We lined up in a nearly identical formation every single time, one RB up near the line. Vinny...
  10. TheOriginalCane

    Random off-season question regarding the 87 fiesta bowl vs Penn State

    Perhaps you've heard of Geoff Torretta, Gino's older brother. Geoff Torretta, the guy who was dating UM diver Daphne Jongejans. Geoff Torretta, the 2nd string QB behind Vinny Testaverde.
  11. TheOriginalCane

    Random off-season question regarding the 87 fiesta bowl vs Penn State

    0:56 1:56 - unbelievable 3:28 6:40 7:42 7:56 8:06 9:22 9:50 10:20
  12. TheOriginalCane

    Random off-season question regarding the 87 fiesta bowl vs Penn State

    6:38 14:28 20:32 27:08 27:22 30:58
  13. TheOriginalCane

    Random off-season question regarding the 87 fiesta bowl vs Penn State

    The "frozen rope" pass. Burned into my brain.
  14. TheOriginalCane

    Random off-season question regarding the 87 fiesta bowl vs Penn State

    I understand. I hear you. I'll just say, if UCF wants to get cute about claiming ONE national championship...
  15. TheOriginalCane

    Random off-season question regarding the 87 fiesta bowl vs Penn State

    I think that Sun Devil Stadium was literally constructed by the devil himself. I often pray that an enormous hole opens up and swallows that cursed stadium.
  16. TheOriginalCane

    Random off-season question regarding the 87 fiesta bowl vs Penn State

    Fair enough, you know I trust you. I saw Vinny the week after Thanksgiving when we were back in classes, and I was worried, as were all of my friends. You remember that spot on campus, "The Rock", where all the football players would hang out between classes, it has coral rock stairsteps, and...
  17. TheOriginalCane

    Random off-season question regarding the 87 fiesta bowl vs Penn State

    By the way... Did anyone notice that the University of Miami was National Champion FOR SIX CONSECUTIVE YEARS?! Yes, it happened. At least by UCF standards, it happened.
  18. TheOriginalCane

    Random off-season question regarding the 87 fiesta bowl vs Penn State

    Come on, man. I agree with you on the "wasn't more severe" part, at least by gameday, but he was recovering from the scooter accident the whole time. Hadn't played/practiced in 7 weeks in a full-contact setting, from November 15th to January 2nd. He wasn't walking with ease when I saw him on...
  19. TheOriginalCane

    Random off-season question regarding the 87 fiesta bowl vs Penn State

    Oh, and for comparative purposes...