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  1. Macca

    The Bank (7/12)

    I think it is safe to say he is the master of his own domain. After the last few months how does one stay away from the nest during this glorious time? Knowing he is silently basking in the glory of this resurgence keeps me warm at night.
  2. Macca

    The Bank (7/12)

    That is cool. I don’t get too excited about kids coming in until they start getting game reps. You see these kids all the time so you would know. I thought Spence was like 5’10” but man he could play. I do expect Bissainthe to play this year. Looking forward to seeing him play. Miami...
  3. Macca

    The Bank (7/12)

    We are Miami fanatics. We know what a Miami linebacker looks like and it is not always a giant. @gogeta4 replied and stated it will not be an issue with the staff. He also mentioned Bisanthe, I have never watched him play but it would be cool if he was that type of kid. Gogeta has watched him...
  4. Macca

    The Bank (7/12)

    Those guys and the Nate Webster’s of the world sort of jump out at you. I hope we always have room for guys like those Miami legends. Mario played with Rohan so my guess is he can spot them and make it happen. That said, having larger humans is not a bad thing. As Ed Vedder so eloquently put...
  5. Macca

    The Bank (7/12)

    Good for him. Kids up here go to these major schools and the pressure is real. BC doesn’t have media coverage. Miami has beat writers and lunatic fans. You have to be a special individual to make the leap. Especially back then.
  6. Macca

    The Bank (7/12)

    Great call on Albert Jean Louis. He didn’t really pan out at BC if I remember correctly.
  7. Macca

    The Bank (7/12)

    Yes, good call. Brockton had good players but playing at Miami may have been a bit too much. Most of the dudes went to BC. Rudy Harris was a huge recruit and went to Clemson. He had a decent career down there but he was all world up here. Should have gone to BC. Giant dude with a Masshole...
  8. Macca

    The Bank (7/12)

    I met him with my parents. You are speaking the absolute truth. Larger than life human but not a big guy. Always wore a scaly.
  9. Macca

    The Bank (7/12)

    @AUcane they were awesome. I lived ten minutes away and used to go to games all the time. Rudy Harris, the Campbell brothers, Anthony Comer, Steve Marciano, Mark Hartsell, Jay McGillis. It was a tough blue collar town. The Catholic schools and privates sort of raided the town. CM recruits...
  10. Macca

    The Bank (7/12)

    Obviously Marciano was an all time great. Before my time. Hagler was big in my youth and early teen years I think. That guy was beloved in the Boston area. He walked on water. Beautiful boxer and tough as nails.
  11. Macca

    The Bank (7/12)

    I went to school with Marciano’s grandson Steve. Great dude. Played safety.
  12. Macca

    The Bank (7/12)

    Used to see him frequently at an Italian Resty in my town back in the day. Smooth cat.
  13. Macca

    The Bank (7/12)

    I know my man. Having some fun with two kids from my neck of the woods being recruited.
  14. Macca

    The Bank (7/12)

    Okunlola is from Brockton. The City of Champions people would be upset about this one.... Brockton = City of Champions. Lynn = this little rhyme. Lynn, Lynn, the city of sin, you don't come back, the way you came in. Two kids from Mass potentially going to Miami, WTF.