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  1. Brains

    USC and UCLA to B1G

  2. Brains

    USC and UCLA to B1G

    LifeWallet Bowl
  3. Brains

    USC and UCLA to B1G

    It appears there will be anticipatory breach of at least 1,713 college football related contracts this offseason. Almost as many as there are UFC events.
  4. Brains

    USC and UCLA to B1G

    I despise VT. Their fans are obnoxious as ****.
  5. Brains

    USC and UCLA to B1G

    Interesting comparison. The one difference is that while Auburn fans are way outnumbered by Baga, that's not the case with UVA vs. VT. Much more even.
  6. Brains

    USC and UCLA to B1G

    Way more sense than Chapel Hill, both as a town and a base.
  7. Brains

    USC and UCLA to B1G

    I've been to Boston 6 or 7 times. I don't recall anything about BC ever generating any local buzz. I didn't see gear or ever hear someone talking BC or see a single bar hyping a BC game.
  8. Brains

    USC and UCLA to B1G

    The $EC would love a yearly Miami-Florida. It would be virtually overnight the nastiest rivalry in the game other than Baga-Barn.
  9. Brains

    USC and UCLA to B1G

    I will admit that I do not know where this all ends up. This thread is littered with assumptions and logical (or not-so-logical) leaps.
  10. Brains

    USC and UCLA to B1G

    Their TV deal is too good to drop. Hence why I suggest we do something similar, Miami style.
  11. Brains

    USC and UCLA to B1G

    Miami is attractive. Boston College does not have much interest. Their base is miniscule.
  12. Brains

    USC and UCLA to B1G

    The FudgePac-12 is a joke and we all know/knew this. But as we've discussed off-screen, while this is no issue for Troy, will UCLA have the ponies and dollars to do this? Do they have a base? Do they actually care once the initial luster wears off? I have serious doubts.
  13. Brains

    USC and UCLA to B1G

    I am fine with the Big but this idea of it being a "better cultural fit" is laughable.
  14. Brains

    USC and UCLA to B1G

    Go independent. Sign to the highest bidder among Univision, Telemundo, Espn Deportes, and BeIN. Break the contract once another offers more. Play everyone.