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  1. colperm

    Off-Topic Flight Cancellations

    They definitely bear some responsibility, but as I stated in a follow up post I think it's understandable that they would underestimate demand given how far it fell during the pandemic (98% down). These are public companies we are talking about, obviously they bear responsibility to their...
  2. colperm

    Off-Topic Flight Cancellations

    Hindsight is 20-20 and while it's infuriating to have a flight cancelled last minute, I try to remember that demand for domestic flights was at one point down 98% from pre-pandemic levels. Given that, I think it is understandable that their estimates for demand were on the conservative side...
  3. colperm

    Off-Topic Flight Cancellations

    My largest client is in the industry and they were hit incredibly hard during the pandemic... it was rough. Obviously the federal government took the necessary action to keep the lights on with nearly $50B in bailouts. As someone else pointed out, the early retirement incentives and layoffs...