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  1. Cryptical Envelopment

    We have a signal

    When you see it...
  2. Cryptical Envelopment

    We have a signal

    I can't let myself believe this is happening @Cribby. I've got UMPTSD.
  3. Cryptical Envelopment

    We have a signal

    One could be Kinsler, guys.
  4. Cryptical Envelopment

    We have a signal

    C we getting anything public tonight?
  5. Cryptical Envelopment

    We have a signal

    Yeah obvi OL because it was a pic of the Great Wall of china for gods sake. I don't think its two OL commits coming (could be wrong), but I think its another ace to "pair" with Francis. Let's Finnish it. Of course I am totally guessing.
  6. Cryptical Envelopment

    We have a signal

    This dude is straight up Mario's hype man.
  7. Cryptical Envelopment

    We have a signal

    I think all the SM was the staff signaling to the world that they could give a flying fark about today. That these guys were lower on the board than many think and that we have other major successes coming soon with guys we have prioritized. Today was no big whoop for Miami and we're ready to rock.
  8. Cryptical Envelopment

    We have a signal

    Cristobal has 100% been read in. And consulted.
  9. Cryptical Envelopment

    We have a signal

    I am way f'ing lazy and not on twitter but has anyone tried to piece all of his tweet together? Like the "W's" one and now this "E" one together in order to see if they spell something?
  10. Cryptical Envelopment

    We have a signal

    HBD, nut. Have a great one.
  11. Cryptical Envelopment

    We have a signal

    Felt like OL cause Mirabal put one out earlier today.
  12. Cryptical Envelopment

    We have a signal
