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  1. Bender

    We have a signal

  2. Bender

    We have a signal

    The reaction score is/was broken. It jumps randomly at times.
  3. Bender

    We have a signal

    Peyton doesn't have Social Media and Eli only uses it for his sense of humor, which is quite funny. I assume its a family thing not to really go through social media and it makes sense. Arch made a Twitter account simply for his announcement and that was it. No likes, retweets or comments...
  4. Bender

    We have a signal

    I like the DTs motor. That's about it, really.
  5. Bender

    We have a signal

    Have you looked into a mirror recently?
  6. Bender

    We have a signal

  7. Bender

    We have a signal

    He doesn't have to. And its not because his prep is better than anyone else's because of the familys structure.
  8. Bender

    We have a signal

    Jokes are supposed to be funny, you know
  9. Bender

    We have a signal

    I didn't. You saying a 16k reaction score with 11k messages is not proving the point of you having several nuanced and very well thought of takes. Prove: myself, having 1k less of a reaction score with about 5k posts. Now moving on.
  10. Bender

    We have a signal

    You can still have a ****load of pretty ****** takes with 11k messages. My reaction score is 15k with less than half of your posts and while my GIF game is okay, I try to reason for the most part. What is this discussion anyways, who gives a **** about a ******* reaction score, lets go back...
  11. Bender

    We have a signal

    A 16k reaction score in over 11k posts is not something to be proud of.
  12. Bender

    We have a signal

    But I dont even get why this is a conversation, at the current stage Manning is a HS prospect, which means he could become pretty much anything from the next Peyton to the next Jarren Williams. Saying he will most likely become this or that is like trying to hit the perfect number in the lottery.
  13. Bender

    We have a signal

    Arch Manning does not have any physical advantages compared to the top guys. His tape is full of underthrown footballs and him scrambling vs teams, where the defensive tackle is smaller than Manning himself. Its just the name that makes him ranked where he is. His prep is the best that any HS...
  14. Bender

    We have a signal

    I dont know all nicknames, so
  15. Bender

    We have a signal

    People need to understand he is told to make these tweets. Mario instructs him to be slightly nuts about it.
  16. Bender

    We have a signal

  17. Bender

    We have a signal

    Steve is a better cook...
  18. Bender

    We have a signal

    I can vouch for Steve and @SWFLHurricane can as well.
  19. Bender

    We have a signal

  20. Bender

    We have a signal
