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  1. imurcane

    Off-Topic Does God actually exist?

    Sadly those were not early starts . . . those were no sleep let's keep pounding beers early am times. The good news I am happy to report is that I had a Brewsters Millions Cigar moment.
  2. imurcane

    Off-Topic Does God actually exist?

    I agree completely. Think about how a tiny minority of people that are Due East politically, have been inflamed and manipulated to believe even more fairy tales. They want a religious state where Jesus is King. Funny he declined that action when he was here before;)
  3. imurcane

    Off-Topic Does God actually exist?

    Will Indiana be on a see saw now, every few years people are voted out and then in to change their choice laws?
  4. imurcane

    Off-Topic Does God actually exist?
  5. imurcane

    Off-Topic Does God actually exist?
  6. imurcane

    Off-Topic Does God actually exist?

    If she is a muppet I don’t want anything but muppetville.
  7. imurcane

    Off-Topic Does God actually exist?

    Porsters post so Morderators can mod. Cake murderers
  8. imurcane

    Off-Topic Does God actually exist?

    And I could include multiple votes for a few extra quan. Service, its hard to find good people these days. lol
  9. imurcane

    Off-Topic Does God actually exist?

    Definitely not hating. Id vote for him for the right amount of money. Inflation got us all ***ced up:)
  10. imurcane

    Off-Topic Does God actually exist?

    It is pretty ironic to boot!
  11. imurcane

    Off-Topic Does God actually exist?

    They need Jesus according to Hershel!
  12. imurcane

    Off-Topic Does God actually exist? Does god exist? See above. Lol
  13. imurcane

    Off-Topic Does God actually exist?

    You aint never lied!
  14. imurcane

    Off-Topic Does God actually exist?

    Presbyterian Church of America
  15. imurcane

    Off-Topic Does God actually exist?

    Ironically the PCA would disagree with you. lol
  16. imurcane

    Off-Topic Does God actually exist?

    FIFY For instance, your truth appears to be Jesus. I get it. For others it is science perhaps. For others it is the constitution. For others it is equity and equality for all. And on and on it goes.
  17. imurcane

    Off-Topic Does God actually exist?

  18. imurcane

    Off-Topic Does God actually exist?

    Owning another person is okay to you? Trying to exterminate natives was also okay? You know I love history, church history, and math, those Puritans were an interesting group of people.
  19. imurcane

    Off-Topic Does God actually exist?

    These christian nationalists are a determined group.
  20. imurcane

    Off-Topic Does God actually exist?

    Just wanted to point this out . . . I want to couch those figures with the caveat that there are over 3 million educators in the public school system, so 181 is roughly .006%, which means there are a lot of great teachers out there not molesting children. Is it just me or are we about to hear...