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  1. D

    Off-Topic Does God actually exist?

    Why didn’t anybody tell me that it’s “Opposite Day”???
  2. D

    Off-Topic Does God actually exist?

    Which PCA are you referring to?
  3. D

    Off-Topic Does God actually exist?

    Oh, don’t kid yourself. Their ideas definitely DID take hold. Their ideological descendants are the ones who constantly want to use state coercion to micromanage our lives in every possible way. They just stopped including God in their rhetoric several decades ago. That’s the main difference.
  4. D

    Off-Topic Does God actually exist?

    Do you realize that the whole “Jesus was resurrected” thing could have easily been debunked on day one…if only his body was still in the tomb? Even back in those unenlightened days before the advent of CNN that wouldn’t have been hard to do, provided that He really stayed dead.
  5. D

    Off-Topic Does God actually exist?

    ^This is interesting. Post more.
  6. D

    Off-Topic Does God actually exist?

    And that is exactly why I follow Jesus Christ. He’s the One who died and came back to life. He knows.
  7. D

    Off-Topic Does God actually exist?

    I’m not a Baptist, but the word means immersion, not Sprinkling. So, no, biblically speaking, that’s not baptism.
  8. D

    Off-Topic Does God actually exist?

    I can’t get past the part where you affirm that you’re a Calvinist…but you don’t really believe in God and don’t believe the Bible is the word of God (since you don’t believe in God). It’s…odd. I know we’ve been over this before, but still.
  9. D

    Off-Topic Does God actually exist?

    A conundrum indeed. As you know, I’m always open to discussion.
  10. D

    Off-Topic Does God actually exist?

    ^Finally, something upon which you and I agree. People don’t realize that what their priest/pastor/preacher, etc. has been telling them for years and years is NOT what the Bible actually teaches. Here’s what it DOES say: “Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God has made...