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  1. Suhrthing

    Off-Topic Something we can all agree on! Coffee!!!!

    Coffee is an acquired taste. Good coffee is an acquired skill.
  2. Suhrthing

    Off-Topic Something we can all agree on! Coffee!!!!

    Lido handgrinder and a beehouse or frenchpress for me. This thread makes me want to start drinking coffee again.
  3. Suhrthing

    Off-Topic Something we can all agree on! Coffee!!!!

    If you want burnt beans just goto Starbucks! Respectfully. #freekyle
  4. Suhrthing

    Off-Topic Something we can all agree on! Coffee!!!!

    After my hospital stay earlier this year I figured I might as well not take it back up. One kinda expensive habit I can I could shelve. I did love a good cup of fresh ground Ethiopian though.