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  1. jrock2332

    2024 CB Ellis Robinson IV

    Real talk but it's levels to it and corn isn't on that level. Miami hasn't had a guy at corner who was lottery pick much less a shoe in to the first round since trelle. That might change under this regime but facts are facts
  2. jrock2332

    2024 CB Ellis Robinson IV

    I see no disrespect to corner but two of the three guys mentioned were 1st rounders and pro bowlers. Corn was a fifth rounder. His resume doesn't scream elite. Elite means you are at least a top five at your position some would say top three.
  3. jrock2332

    2024 CB Ellis Robinson IV

    Trelle was better than Phil. Philip was faster but trelle was bigger and more physical. Trelle also was big for a corner which is why he moved to safety in the league. Man I miss those days over us beating the **** outta teams. It seems like a lifetime ago.
  4. jrock2332

    2024 CB Ellis Robinson IV

    My dawg antrelle rolle
  5. jrock2332

    2024 CB Ellis Robinson IV

    His successful prediction rate 🗑️ 👀
  6. jrock2332

    2024 CB Ellis Robinson IV

    Neither him or jj were coming here. They want to go to proven programs. We are a long way from being a contender.