Search results

  1. Handsome Squidbum

    2024 CB Ellis Robinson IV

    And one other thing - "Robinson IV" ? Does he think he's royalty or something? This is America. We don't believe in royal lineages here. A lot of red flags with this kid. We dodged a bullet.
  2. Handsome Squidbum

    2024 CB Ellis Robinson IV

    I can and I will. Which is more satisfying - being a 22 year old man winning the white belt karate championship against a bunch of 6 year olds, or being a white belt and winning the karate championship against a field of 26 year old black belts? Kids just want to be handed championship...
  3. Handsome Squidbum

    2024 CB Ellis Robinson IV

    I only want players that want to be Miami Hurricanes. Shouldn't need to "convince" them. These type of kids that are only interested in the UGAs and Bamas of cfb have bust written all over them.
  4. Handsome Squidbum

    2024 CB Ellis Robinson IV

    It's more like if you were dating Mckenzie Scott (Bezos ex-wife) who is worth several billion, she breaks up with you, but then a year later she calls you out of the blue, says she made a mistake and wants to marry you. Does it show a lack of backbone to take her back? Maybe, but it also shows...