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  1. Bunker Mentality

    2024 CB Ellis Robinson IV

    you're 100% correct. I always though they were.
  2. Bunker Mentality

    2024 CB Ellis Robinson IV

    His dad coached here and he learned a lot from our teams back in the day. You'd think he may have wanted to fulfill his dad's legacy on some level but it never turned out that way. Either way I think we ended up with a sustainable long-term solution moving forward.
  3. Bunker Mentality

    2024 CB Ellis Robinson IV

    would Saban have taken the gig here? I guess []__[]could have broken the bank for him at the time, but for some reason I'm not sure he wanted to stay in S. Florida.
  4. Bunker Mentality

    2024 CB Ellis Robinson IV

    right...but let me guess; you'll 'happily eat crow if he doesn't'?