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  1. Empirical Cane

    Off-Topic Read This Book for Insight

    May the Spirit of Che guide my eyes. May his Lord Noam Chomsky light my path.
  2. Empirical Cane

    Off-Topic Read This Book for Insight

    If this book doesnt have at least one chapter on nun ****, its gonna be a big no from me dog.
  3. Empirical Cane

    Off-Topic Read This Book for Insight

    Im hoping there is big print and lots of pictures. Im not a strong reader. 🤣
  4. Empirical Cane

    Off-Topic Read This Book for Insight

    Appears he updates the view every few years...not a great sign...
  5. Empirical Cane

    Off-Topic Read This Book for Insight

    ordered. He's also a Fighting Banana Slug!!