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  1. joseermonfils

    2024 CB Jamari Howard

    Bruh…I love you @lindend and all the content you bring the board but some of these bumps are frustrating lol I be thinking it’s news/commits but it’s just a bump for Rasta, Flo or some other random lol it’s not’s the fact that we have so little commits right now…never mind
  2. joseermonfils

    2024 CB Jamari Howard

    Just a play on words if you can’t get past a lost how you going to get a million…basically saying got to go through the bad to get to the good….probably from a rap song
  3. joseermonfils

    2024 CB Jamari Howard

    Not only that but our own fans **** on the program all the time…”why would I send my kid to Miami“ is what is always said on here