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  1. SayWhat

    Some Ungodly talent.....

    Anything is possible. Those old time teams were wild. Have a beer or three before a game at times, out all night before a gam, etc. Some old football stories are nuts, before they really knew any better. While a business back then, it was certainly more laid back and fun.
  2. SayWhat

    Some Ungodly talent.....

    I forgot to add, I know it's hyperbole when people say whatever team could beat some NFL teams. While I think that's not true in the modern sense this year's best college team could beat some NFL teams, if you took this year's best college team would be a different story. I think they'd smash...
  3. SayWhat

    Some Ungodly talent.....

    Glad you said it as I was thinking it. Players back then were more just suit up and play. There was some weightlifting and whatnot, but not like today. They didn't play year round or take their craft as seriously. Sure, some did, but not like today. The size difference is night and day...
  4. SayWhat

    Some Ungodly talent.....

    Disagree on the first and second part. As to the third, I'm sure we'll all live.